Moving on All Fours

(Okay, so it has been literally months since I’ve posted anything here. Please accept my humble apologies and understand it has been because too much has been going on around our house, instead of just nothing worth posting.)

For the past month or so, Wyatt has been threatening to crawl. He’s been sort-of Army crawling (dragging his legs behind him, actually) for a few weeks. Occasionally he would get up on all fours and rock a bit, usually only to plop back down on his backside.

He’s been home the past couple of days with an ear infection (no biggie, other than a lack of sleep for all). During this time, he’s managed to figure out the crawling bit; first on carpet and then across the hardwood floor. I shot a little video to demonstrate some of his new skills.

Wyatt Crawling from Jason Coleman on Vimeo.